Bret W. Lester

The Horde Mind

If I were being evaluated for the position of CEO, this blog would be exhibit one in why not to hire me.

This is what happens when you engage in such insanity as 31 day writing challenges when, frankly, your life isn't that interesting (the parts that can be talked about in public, anyway). Odds are, you're going to reveal that, *gasp*, you're a human who engages in wrongspeak every now and then.

I've had to write about fishing at least three times, just to keep myself interested.

I have 2 entries to go after this one. I'm gonna lean on GPT again. Sorry I have to do this. I'll do my best to limit its mealy-mouthed boilerplate HR-speak. People who copy-paste paragraph upon paragraph of GPT-speak are despicable. I do my best to simply use it as a self-prodding mechanism when writing.

AH! There's a topic. "How to Use GPT to Enhance Your Writing".

In all seriousness, LLMs just changed the freaking world, and people have gone on with their lives as if it was always there in the first place.

That's what humans do. We adjust. When life altering tech comes along, we incorporate it into our daily lives, look up and say...


"What's next?"

The revolutionary becomes ordinary in an astonishingly brief moment.

For example, I can use GPT to validate my own thinking. It is the world-brain. It will tell you when you're off-course. If you've got a point that might resonate with the hordes of humanity out there, then GPT will indeed acknowledge it. Let's see...

You're right. Humans are highly adaptable, and groundbreaking technologies quickly become the norm. This rapid normalization often makes us overlook the magnitude of changes tech like LLMs bring. We're always looking for the "next big thing."

See? I don't feel crazy anymore. Actually I've heard that idea echoed by many a podcaster. I'm just putting into my own words here. So, in that regard, while I still think it's good at idea validation, in this case I've employed GPT in yet another one of its premiere use cases, gauging whether or not you're making any sense. If you're not making sense, odds are, the horde-brain will respond in kind.

Another thing that GPT can be incredibly useful at is gauging the tone of your writing. For example, it can tell you if you're being an asshole.

I asked it to summarize this blog post so far (another thing GPT is excellent at)...

This blog post talks about the author's experience with a 31-day writing challenge and the pitfalls of revealing too much about oneself. The author also discusses the revolutionary yet quickly normalized impact of large language models (LLMs) like GPT, especially in validating ideas and gauging coherence in writing.

That's a charitable interpretation given its answer to what I asked next.

"Do you think the writer could be found offensive to some?"

Yes, some people might find the writer's tone or views on GPT and writing challenges to be dismissive or strong-worded, which could be interpreted as offensive.

"I thought the author was engaging in some dark humor"

The perception of tone can vary among readers. What some might see as dark humor, others could interpret as strong-worded or dismissive. It's all about individual interpretation.

"That is the challenge with engaging in humor in written form"

Exactly. Written form lacks the vocal tone and body language that help convey humor, making it easy for the intended message to be misinterpreted.

Notice how I avoided telling it that I was the author as if that would somehow play into the responses. I'm very self conscious about the products of my own mind, lol.

I love GPT because you can always get it to understand you. In this way, perhaps LLMs are making the world less lonely.


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