My Apps

Reads the web out loud using text-to-speech and much more. Available on the App Store and the Chrome Web Store. Website:

Text to Speech PDF Reader
Featuring support for adaptive type, dark mode, unlimited highlights and more, the app makes it easy to listen to any PDF document using text-to-speech. Available on the App Store. Landing Page.

CustomSymbols is an app for MacOS for converting any SVG artwork into a custom SF Symbol. Your custom SF symbol can be dropped into Xcode and used in any UIKit or SwiftUI-based project. Available on the App Store. Landing Page.

A general purpose image editor with AI-powered "fill-in-the-blank" image generation and an algorithmic art creation tool. Available on the App Store. Landing Page.

Shiny Objects for Babies
A simple ad-free, popup-free app for babies offering 20 different interactive scenes while playing classical music. Available on the App Store.

Inspired by a familiar classic, this is the first (probably last) game I've ever released. Built with Apple's Metal framework. Available on the App Store.

A free app offering an infinite variety of algorithmically created trees. It represents my first foray into graphics programming with Metal. Available on the App Store.